Finnish Tech Giant, Nokia has recently launched it's much awaited smartphone Nokia 8 in India while OnePlus launched it's OnePlus 5 way back in June. Both the smartphone comes in under 40K category, so let's compare them to see which one is the best. Built & Design Nokia 8 is made up of 6000-series Aluminum unibody which makes it very strong and beautiful and gives very premium look to it while OnePlus is also made of aluminum unibody but Nokia 8 in hand feels more strong and sturdy than OnePlus 5. Going by the looks both the devices, Nokia 8 and OnePlus 5 have completely distinct looks. They both look premium. Going by their dimensions OnePlus 5 is slimmer at 7.25mm than Nokia 8, measuring 7.90mm. They both weigh nearly same, OnePlus 5 weighs 153g while Nokia 8 weighs 160g. Display Nokia 8 has a 5.3 inch IPS LCD Quad HD (2560x1440p) display with Gorilla Glass 5 shield and 2.5D curved glass on the edges. It has a pixel density of approximately 5...
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