Finnish Tech Giant Nokia has launched it's much awaited Nokia 8 in India at Rs 36,999, let's see what it offers at this price. Design At first look Nokia 8 is a attention seeker. Nokia 8 has a 6000-series Aluminum unibody which makes it very strong and beautiful and gives very premium look to it. On the front panel it has the camera and flash on the left corner with microphone beside it, and Nokia branding on the right side. At the bottom, it houses the physical home button cum fingerprint sensor and backlit keys on both sides of it. On the back, Nokia 8 has dual camera setup and LED flash and 'Nokia' branding (vertically aligned) below the camera module. On the top end there is a 3.5mm headphone jack. On the left edge it houses the volume rockers and power button.On the bottom end it has the charging port and speaker grills. On the right edge it houses the dual SIM hybrid slot tray. Nokia 8 measures 151.55x73.7x7.90mm whic...
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